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Daily Painting

4.8 ( 848 ratings )
Entretenimiento Educación
Desarrollador Nuno Fonseca

Daily Painting is an aesthetically pleasing app that will bring you an entirely new painting everyday, directly from the superb

After loading the new painting you get the chance to "draw" it over an old canvas, uncovering its magical details. You can share it on your Facebooks mural, and you can know more about it if you touch its title.

Exploring all the apps options, wooden bars slide upon touch and may reveal refreshing words of wisdom, that keep changing once you slide them open and close completely...they are 32, have you seen them all?

Art should be widely promoted, shared, reflected upon. It is one of the richest ways of describing the unknown, and has the power of uncovering some of our most hidden truths:

"A picture is a poem without words" (Horace).

Oh, and of course, its free :) Enjoy!